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I don't get how sex once u are having it could ever be overrated unless it's with someone u don't share any sexual and emotional chemistry with. Then maybe it can be a bit overrated. Otherwise speaking for the few single great men out here sex when u aren't having it is the absolute worst pain one can experience. I wouldn't wish what I go through on my worst enemy! You think sex is over rated until you start having it once a month or less. That shit will change your mind real quick & put sex right back on the priority list. Especially if you are in a relationshi let me sit my drunk down to focus on my answer, with my fat girl snack to the side lol, okay honsetly it depends on the peformance, because if you have the eight sex, that shit can control your damn moans and emotions, if not you can alway buy a top dollar viber lol, if can be overrated for the five min lovers, but if your getting thug loving its over periodp.In my opinion it can never be overrated or overhyped, unless you're like an escort or something.. lol it's a beautiful thing When it's done right, it's NOT overrated. Been non-active for eight years. But WHEW do I have memories that bring a huge smile to my face. I know good food and I know good sex

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