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i've been playing warframe on the box again

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not sure if I should put this here or rants but... I don't know how much I missed since last time and I don't know if you guys understand just how annoying DE utilizes their concepts but for awhile now they've been real shitty at it ...there's an ingame suit called Octavia that's pentatonic themed and ...if your not a musical genius I guess your left to fiddle with switches and dials to literally min/max her stats ..here's an example of something half good






but what i'm hearing from people actually using her in game? I can't describe it right ...it's FUCKING LOUD for starters ...and not a good loud...I have my tv to a volume of 10 and this thing is making my ears BLEED!!


another good example




it baffles me ...seriously...I like that developers like DE try new stuff ..BUT FOR FUCKSAKE TYING STATS TO MUSICAL NOTES?! COME THE FUCK ON... the guy I just ran into for this defense mission had me lunging for the goddamn power cord to turn it off!

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