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  1. I agree. Hopefully they lower the price, if it’s really all that much more than Naruto or AoT.
  2. But that’s the thing - look at these ratings - you don’t need to be a mainstream hit to be fine on Toonami. Apparently.
  3. It’s actually airs in Japan on Sunday mornings. And again, Naruto and MHA are big titles over in Japan as well, they’re getting shit ratings here, but they’re still sustaining. I doubt OP is that much more expensive and clearly performance wise, at this point, I doubt it’ll do much worse. If they can afford Naruto, and not be deterred by the low ratings EVERY SHOW is getting at this point - I doubt OP will be much of a problem. Unless Toei is randomly selling OP for a drastically higher price, even compared to other popular anime - which I find hard to believe.
  4. But like I said, it’d probably do just fine considering the ratings now. Im sure every show on the lineup that’s based on popular series (MHA, AoT, Naruto) is expensive and yet they’re still existing despite the terrible ratings - OP would do just fine in today’s age. I mean... AoT... under 400K... nothing can fail with these numbers being the norm.
  5. Then I really hope that tidbit gets resolved. Shippuden still airing is redundant. And ratings don’t seem to matter anymore so this damn cost thing is a nuisance.
  6. It’s been years.. since One Piece was cancelled. Which still hurts me till this day.
  7. I’m just saying, I know none of you guys would prefer Naruto and Boruto, to say, Boruto and One Piece. We don’t need two Naruto series. And it’s not like I’m asking to get rid of a good show, like My Hero or AoT. No one will miss Shippuden and they still get their Naru fix anyway with Boruto. Ratings don’t matter anymore. Look how terrible they are. Let’s just put One Piece back.
  8. Well, ya know... since the revival.
  9. I really just wish they would air the next saga. The Saboady, Amazon Lily, Impel Down, Marineford arc stretch of episodes are among the best content OP has. I don’t even care if they trash it again right before the timeskip... I just would like them to at least air this era of OP. Especially since it’s redundant to air TWO Naruto series. It’s like, c’mon.
  10. Wow... wtf happened to the ratings? They... look terrible now. And despite all that, Toonami seems to look bigger than ever. Man... I really wish with them airing Boruto, that they’d just trash Shippuden and put One Piece back on. I know I know, it was dropped due to ratings and costs... but if these are the ratings we’re averaging now... I don’t see OP doing any worse. I mean goddamn DBS is doing 700,000s regularly now. Kai used to do millions. Clearly... ratings don’t matter anymore. i just wish.... 😞
  11. It’s been a long time guys... what’s up...
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