Just wondering who here is currently playing the game. I wouldn't be surprised if it's just me.
I bought a few Animal Crossing amiibo figures Friday. So far I've visited KK Slider, Reese, and Isabelle's trailer with the amiibo figures I own. Haven't visited Cyrus's trailer yet, but I will sometime soon.
I've bought the bamboo grass and a couple other things from Harvey. I've seen Wendell, Copper, and Franklin the turkey in the campground so far.
Bought the game 3DS and Wii with the MEOW coupons so I've played both Animal Crossing Puzzle League and Desert Island Escape.
I've bought fortune cookies but both of my Animal Crossing towns are set to October and everytime I buy cookies, I keep getting the old ones.
Eventually I'll get the new ones.
If you are playing, feel free to leave a Dream Suite address or talk about your own progress in the game.