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Everything posted by MykeJinX89

  1. March 2017 Purchases/Preorders - The Big O Blu-Ray - Tonari no Seki-kun: The Master of Killing Time Blu-Ray - Gatchaman OVA Collection DVD
  2. OK, I haven't been on this side of the board for months, but I had to come over when I heard this news. Man, Moose is gonna lose his shit.
  3. February 2017 Purchases/Preorders - My Hero Academia Season 1 Blu-Ray/DVD (Limited Edition) - Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team Blu-Ray - Speed Racer Blu-Ray
  4. January 2017 Purchases/Preorders - Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket DVD - Turn A Gundam Blu-ray Collection 1 - Turn A Gundam Blu-ray Collection 2 - Kyousougiga Blu-Ray/DVD - Steins;Gate the Movie: Load Region of deja vu Blu-Ray/DVD - Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection 'F' Blu-Ray/DVD
  5. NNID: MykeJinX89 (Mainly just playing Smash 4) 3DS Friend Code: 4081-5526-2968 PSN: MykeJinX89 Switch Friend Code: 1943-2204-9030 Also on Discord @ MykeJinX89#1348
  6. Mighty. No 9 (Go ahead and laugh... ), OMORI, and Yooka-Laylee
  7. December Purchases - Puella Magi Madoka Magica the Movie: Rebellion Blu-Ray/DVD (Limited Edition) - Sengoku Basara: The Last Party Blu-Ray/DVD - Ushio & Tora OVA DVD - Kill la Kill Blu-Ray/DVD 3 + CD (Limited Edition) - Kill la Kill Blu-Ray/DVD 4 + Bonus DVD (Limited Edition) - Kill la Kill Blu-Ray/DVD 5 + Bonus DVD (Limited Edition) - Short Peace Blu-Ray - Area 88 TV Volume 1 + Box [$5 Blind Box Item] - Death Parade Blu-Ray/DVD (Limited Edition) - Prison School Blu-Ray/DVD (Limited Edition)
  8. Kirby: Planet Robobot, $25 at Amazon. Mega Man Legacy Collection, $7.49 on 3DS eShop LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens, $23.99 on Wii U eShop Kirby Mass Attack, $4.99 on Wii U eShop
  9. November Purchases Parasyte ~the maxim~ Collection 2 Blu-Ray/DVD (Premium Box Set) Children Who Chase Lost Voices Blu-Ray/DVD (Sentai Selects) Cowboy Bebop Blu-Ray/DVD (Amazon Exclusive Edition) tsuritama Blu-Ray Sailor Moon R Set 2 Blu-Ray/DVD + GwP Yuki Yuna is a Hero Blu-ray/DVD 3 + CD (Collector's Edition) Knights of Sidonia: Battle for Planet Nine Blu-Ray/DVD (Premium Box Set) Ninja Scroll Blu-Ray
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