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Everything posted by FoleyisGood149

  1. I haven't finished the part about HxH yet, so that will be a twofer later, but here's the rest from last week. Intruder III - Where there's one Sandworm, there will likely be more, so that made sense. I like the idea of automated defenses saving TOM, but I must wonder what events in the base's past led to all but the top ten levels being sealed. Something getting inside is likely not a good thing. DBZK - I'm glad Gohan rid us of the Cell Jrs. He even managed to snag the Senzu beans, then carry the news crew and Mr. Satan's entourage to safety while dodging Cell. I liked the Ox King speaking up to his daughter, saying that Gohan was doing this to protect them and that Goku was right to prepare his son for this fight. I smiled when the reporter kept talking and didn't even realize he'd lost his microphone. His advice to his cameraman about how to fix the broken camera was also quite funny. It works with my leaf blower. JoJo - It was sweet that Erina cared for the burned and wounded Jonathan for days. but given how long she spent tending him, it made sense that she would eventually faint/collapse. It was impressive that the just-awoken Jonathan was able to catch her with a broken arm. I liked that Speedwagon observed her with Jonathan and realized that his new reason to live was right there. This hamon energy sure is something, Baron Zeppelli. It looks like life energy, and I guess that it's logical that it that starts with breath, since oxygen is necessary to proper cellular metabolism. It was amazing that hamon healed Jonathan's broken arm in moments. It was peculiar that the Baron was able to send hamon harmlessly through the frog to his target, the large rock. The Baron's tale of the ill-fated archaeological expedition to Aztec ruins where he found the stone mask was an efficient telling of a motivating backstory. I enjoyed how quick a study Jonathan was in learning hamon usage, spotting that the ripples in the wine were like the ripples he saw in the water when the Baron broke the large rock. Jonathan even looked like he took the Baron's advice about thinking what his enemy's next move would be to heart - anticipating rather than reacting. I like that the Baron was able to give Jonathan the training he would need in accomplishing his new purposes in life - stopping Dio and recovering/destroying the stone mask. I found the idea of a long, dark tunnel into the city where Dio is hiding and regaining strength to be highly suspect, as if it was only there to provide an ambush opportunity to Jack the Ripper. It was neat to see that Dio was able to use his vampire powers to enthrall Jack. I liked the clarification that the drained become zombies, not vampires. Of course Dio is building an army to conquer world. Still, I feel like an army that can only operate at night would be very vulnerable to daytime attacks once that limitation was discovered. MSG: IBO - Yeah, they really telegraphed Biscuit's death here. Still, he acted admirably in getting Orga clear of an attack they couldn't evade. I feel sorry for Cookie and Cracker, since they've now lost both of their brothers, even if word hasn't reached them yet. I hope that Orga will make arrangements to honor Biscuit's known desire to put his sisters through school. It was a little surprising that the Naval bombardment didn't cause more damage and casualties. I would think that the Gjallarhorn Navy would have good targeting sensors, as opposed to Tekkadan having to shoot by feel like Akihiro did, but he did manage to critically damage one of the ships. Good on Orga and Biscuit for successfully luring the Gjallarhorn landing craft to where they wanted them so they could be ambushed and captured. It's a shame Biscuit won't be able to help in formulating these strategies in the future. I wasn't expecting mobile suits from the Planetary Defense Fleet to enter the battle from above, each using a re-entry heat shield rather than all of them in a single craft. When Akihiro shot one while Carta speechified with her and her subordinates standing in formation and asked for confirmation that it was okay to shoot, I smiled. What I wonder is whether Mikazuki will kill Carta right away next episode for killing Biscuit or they'll hold her, a ranking officer in Gjallarhorn with an influential family, as hostage to ensure their safe escape from the island. I'm guessing arranging a boat for Tekkadan's passage to Edmonton (I think that's where it was) is the last real assistance McGillis will be able to offer for the rest of the show. Oh, and for Ang's information, the second of the blonde haremettes on the island is named Echo Turbine. Shippuden - I didn't expect Sauce to have his big fight with Itachi this soon in the show. Maybe this won't be it. Yeah, Karin just wants Kisame to kill Suigetsu so she can be rid of him. I think they're playing it a bit loose with Samehada's ability to absorb chakra. Unless Suigetsu channels his chakra into his sword like Asuma did with his chakra knives, then it would make sense that Samehada would actually need to hit Suigetsu to drain his chakra, but Suigetsu felt the drain prior to using his Water Man powers to get closer for an attack. Tobi in his goofball personality is fun, but I can understand why our Leaf shinobi would be getting a bit irritated and flustered with their efforts being ineffective. They finally have a heading to find Sauce, and they can't get past this guy. In other words, even if Jiraiya had been successful against the Six Paths of Pain, the Venus Flytrap guy was there to attack Jiraiya after he was wounded and drained by the battle. I can't fault the Akatsuki for their cautiousness. OP - It was fun to see the Straw Hats' reaction faces when they realized that Oars was stuck. Unfortunately for them, he wasn't stuck for long. It was funnier when they decided to use the remnants of Luffy's personality to their advantage by distracting Oars so they could damage his knees and trick him into punching himself. Of course Luffy only managed to find Moria's shadow. Lame, show. When Nami confronted Perona, I was disappointed that Nami had not yet realized that the zombies robbed Moria for her and saved her the time of loading the treasure and food on the Sunny. I think that Nami was lucky that Kuma interrupted her impending fight with Perona. I also say that Perona was hasty to be so confrontational to Kuma, a Warlord. I didn't expect Perona to disappear when Kuma swatted the Holo ghosts away. Now I'm curious as to what happened to her. OPM - Carnage Kabuto's tongue is still disturbing. Remember that the hole Saitama punched in the wall to leave after splattering Carnage Kabuto caused about as much damage as the blast that Genos used to level the eight stories of the House of Evolution's H.Q. (and the hill behind it) that were above ground. Somewhat related, I ordered volumes 1-10 of the OPM manga (among other titles), and volumes 1-9 are in my possession. So far, I've read the first volume and am a few chapters into the second volume. The first chapter was even better than the anime coverage of the same material for one reason; the girl that Saitama saved from Vaccine Man was wearing a shirt which read "school child." I loled when I read that. I also liked Genos' shirt in his first appearance; it read on one side, in English, "genocide" and had a stylized skull print above the word. I liked that bit of sound-alike wordplay.
  2. The Wolf's Rain news is fine for others, but I already have the Bandai dvds, so it doesn't mean much to me personally. Intruder III - Well, I was way wrong about the new intruder being a nanite swarm, and I'd bet TOM is glad I was. Sandworms would be a good reason for whoever established the outpost to abandon it. DBZK - Given the yield of 16's self-destruct device, I can understand why Dr. Briefs would remove it. However, the things I don't understand are 1. how Dr. Gero could create such a powerful device and keep it small enough to fit inside the volume of a large human body and 2. why he would make the bomb that powerful at all. Sure, he really, really wanted to kill Goku and thus needed an explosion that he (Dr. Gero) knew would kill Goku, but an explosion that powerful would result in Dr. Gero's death as well. What good would that Pyrrhic victory be? The mini-Cells were jerks, and the human fighters did well to fight them for as long as they did before being beaten down. Still, even if the mini-Cells are strong, they would also need to be much faster than the others, since they have inferior reach to everyone, even Krillin. Thus, I feel like Piccolo, Trunks and Vegeta should've had an easier time fighting them than they did. Oh well. I feel like Kai didn't allow Gohan and 16 enough time to bond for his loss-of-friend-power-up reaction to be warranted. Eh. At least Mr. Satan was able to muster the courage to take the severed, yet still speaking android head over toward Gohan. That took notable courage, considering he had a vague idea of how greatly he was outclassed. JoJo - So, the head of the thugs was Robert E. O. Speedwagon. Like I told Poke, I know there are more to come. I like that Dario was jailed in the past for trying to move stolen property, but it didn't surprise me that George was merciful and claimed to have given him the ring. I like that Jonathan had the police there to arrest Dio for poisoning George. However, Dio was still able to enact his plan to become a vampire, even though his attempt to use Jonathan's blood for the process was thwarted by George sacrificing himself to save his son's life. I didn't like the turn that the drained victims automatically become vampires themselves. I must admire Jonathan's valiant efforts to defeat the vampires, most especially Dio, but I think Jonathan made an error in his choice of weapon. It looked like he grabbed a full iron or steel spear. He should've gone with a sword, because it would be harder for Dio to heal from a maiming wound than a stab wound, and decapitation should be fatal even for a vampire. However, since Jonathan didn't do that and the spear was not as effective as he would've hoped, he had to resort to fire, which did damage Dio and make him reel. It was unfortunate that neither the initial fire nor the conflagration of the mansion were hot enough to destroy Dio. It's also a shame for Jonathan that the Oriental Apothecary allowed Dio to truly survive. Surely, even in the rubble of the mansion, some sunlight would hit Dio and slowly burn him. By getting within Dio's reach and becoming his victim, the Oriental Apothecary gave Dio the blood he needed to recover while it was still dark and presumably escape before the dawn. At least Jonathan survived, though he was wounded. I lay blame for George's death, the destruction of the Joestar mansion and the deaths of several police officers not only on Dio, but also at the feet of the police officers as a group. Had they been quicker to shoot an armed attacker whom they already intended to arrest for the attempted murder of George and, if the police and Jonathan were feeling particularly ambitious, the murder of Dario, then the mask wouldn't have been an issue, since Dio would've fallen, fatally wounded, before managing to stab George. Thus, the police officers are at least partially to blame for all the pain and misery Dio will cause for failing to shoot him while he was still fully human. MSG: IBO - I didn't spot that Nadi had prosthetic legs. Hm. I think we have more reason to call Gjallarhorn scum now, since as a propaganda war against former opponents, they vilified and dehumanized in the public consciousness war veterans who were maimed in combat. I'll presume that in order to keep with this "less than human" narrative, Gjallarhorn forbade its own maimed veterans from getting prosthetics which would allow them to regain normal physical functionality. What a bunch of nozzles. That said, I'm surprised Ein survived his injuries long enough to be put on life support. If he comes back as a cyborg, I can only hope he looks as cool as Kazumiah. Our groups' reaction to the smell of the ocean (not the freshest smell at warm latitudes) and the idea of eating fish served to illustrate a few points. First, Mars, even terraformed to be human-habitable, is still a very dry world, so large amounts of water on the surface of Earth and the amount of life it would contain would be very strange to them. Also, since raising animals for food requires more water than raising plants, it would make sense that meat would be a rare luxury for the wealthy on Mars, in the Colonies and in the Jupiter Sphere (unless an ice moon like Ganymede were the site of a Colony, but then livestock would only be prevalent there) as well. Thus, out of necessity, most people off of Earth would have at least vegetarian, if not vegan, diets. Nutritional supplements and cultured protein compounds are likely a big part of non-Terrestrial diets. Still, when in Rome... so try the fish, guys. At least taste it to acknowledge Atra's preparation efforts. Yes, it makes sense that the mobile suits would need different thrusters to operate in Earth's atmosphere and gravity. Since the Turbines already took this into account when altering their mobile suits, it would stand to reason that they would've needed to use far less than full thruster capacity during the battle before atmospheric entry. If not, then they may have moved too fast for the pilots to operate their machines effectively. So, Nobliss sent Kudelia to an ousted politician. I get that the plan was for Kudelia to be slain before reaching Earth, and now he's having to scramble to get a satisfactory outcome from all this, even if it entails Tekkadan having to get this guy to some meeting when there will likely be armed opposition trying to stop them. It seems like a twist for a twist's sake to me. It's a shame for Biscuit that Savarin was too hasty in his grief and sense of failure. Had he been more hesitant to hang himself, perhaps he would've seen that the negotiations the union people wanted actually happened and were fruitful for them. Instead, he probably killed himself after leaving the scene of the massacre which killed Mr. Novona, and now he's left his younger siblings, but especially Biscuit, to grieve his utterly pointless death. HxH - Again, Gon wisely glossed over some of the scarier, more gruesome and more cruel aspects of what happened to him. Still, Mito's reaction at the end seemed almost like recycled animation no jutsu from the first recap, but I'm not going to seek it to confirm that. Hisoka in a murder craze is still plenty disturbing. Shippuden - Upon seeing the memory flashes of each of the Six Paths of Pain as they looked in the past, they do look substantially different now, so I can understand why Jiraiya didn't recognize them sooner. It is still strange that each of them now has Rinnegan eyes and act as a unit. Yeah, I knew from spoiler amvs that this was the fight which would kill Jiraiya. Still, I hope that the person to whom he sent the old male toad knows the cipher to decode that message. Otherwise, Jiraiya's death and the pain the toad endured for this message to be burned onto his back would be for naught. I didn't expect the touching and reassuring recollection from the past with Kushina and Minato, but it worked. Also, Tsunade will have to deal with losing another original squadmate and a longtime friend. I don't know if she spotted when the toad near the building disappeared, but if she did, she didn't let on that she did and understood it as a sign. Jiraiya's ghost hand touching Naruto's shoulder was much more obvious, and I'd like to think that it's because Naruto is dense and needs a clearer "farewell" incident. Still, I expect both of them to take the confirmed report of Jiraiya's death very hard. OP - Brook and his milk were hilarious. As for why they even keep salt on Thriller Bark, it would be to accommodate the nutritional requirements of Dr. Hogback, Moria and Perona. Even if two of them are Devil Fruit users, they would still need some salt for their bodies to function properly. The combo robot form was utterly ridiculous and quite funny, and Oars is still great for wanting to see the robot. I can't really blame Robin for refusing to embarrass herself like that. What I want to know is when the crew had time to discuss numbered tactics. Did I imagine it, or did Oars call one of his moves a giant butt smash (or something similar)? If he did, then do we really, truly need Luffy's shadow to leave Oars? Can't we figure out some way for Luffy to survive sunlight without having to recover his Shadow? I don't want Oars to go. Thanks, Lola, for catching Nami up to speed. Of course Nami would prioritize stealing as much treasure as possible over trying to help the others with Oars. At first, I thought it was a shame that all the treasure had already been taken, but then I saw Brook in the ransacked kitchen and remembered that Perona intended to steal the Sunny. That means she and her zombies saved our crew the effort of loading all that food and treasure onto the Sunny. As long as they can prevent her from taking the ship, she'll have done them a huge favor, but maybe that huge guy who mysteriously appeared on the ship will save them the trouble of stopping her departure. He didn't seem to be pleased with Moria, so maybe he'll be at least a temporary ally to the Straw Hats. Remember, all that effort from the Straw Has was simply to knock Oars down. It's something, but it's a far cry from defeating him. Children Who Chase Lost Voices - I liked the movie. It was mostly endearing, but it did feel a little preachy about humans being destructive to the natural environment and animals (seen in shooting the proto-whale many times to kill it and get to the portal). I also wasn't keen on the humans who lived in Agartha being bigoted against Topsiders, even though some of humanity's worst examples intruded on Agartha in the past. The ostracization of the mute girl struck me as particularly dickish. As for Agartha, it was a different take on the Hollow Earth idea than I've seen in other stories. I did like the cross-cultural mash-up in Agartha, though, with Vimanas, an entrance to the Underworld at Finis Terra and calling some of the more supernatural denizens Quetzalcoatls. When the dude asked to have his dead wife returned to him and it was made known that a sacrifice was needed, my first thought was that he was terrible for being willing to let his wife take over this young girl's body and subsume her soul in order to live again. Thinking about it later, I realized that it was appropriate for some sacrifice to be needed, since otherwise he would be getting something for nothing, but he was still a jerk for being cool with the girl effectively dying. After the girl reasserted herself, I'm glad the dude was more sad than angry and decided to stay rather than return to the surface. One thing didn't make any sense to me, though. The dude and the girl took a boat toward Finis Terra. When she went back on foot through the water to keep away from the creatures which would've eaten her, what happened to the water? As long as she didn't diverge up some tributary, she should've had water all the way back to the home of the mute girl and her grandfather, and yet it looked like the water level slowly dropped to nothing as she went. I don't understand what happened there. I went across train trestles on several occasions in my youth, and I must admit that the girl was wiser and more cautious than I was. She put her ear to the rail to feel/listen for vibrations which would indicate an approaching train prior to crossing. I didn't do that, but I think that the side walkway on the highest and longest of my trestles was wider than the one available to her, so moving to the side was a better option for me than for her. I tried to record it on the dvr to watch again, but due to the time change and me not spotting that the record light went out, I didn't get all of it. I'll still watch what I have, but it would've been nice to have all of it.
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