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  1. Oh you wanna try me? FUCK EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU MOTHERFUCKERS. Go ahead and ban the shit out of me. You think that'll stop me? im fucking MOOSE motherfucker. I'll always be back.
  2. Ya know FUNi said they had big plans with OP this year.... I hope that's good plans.
  3. If OP resurfaces in another channel I'll instantly stop complaining. I would love it to become a Netflix exclusive.
  4. When worse shonen like Naruto, DBZ and Bleach all get their proper dues in America. All I want is for OP to be respected. Why is this dream unachivable? Why does OP always suffer while the likes of Naruto and DBZ get to keep going. This is why popularity is everything... because when your not popular you get yanked. And I know they tried their hardest. I just hate that no matter what we did, OP still can't catch on. I hate that this is the situation. And I can't get over it. No amount of you guys telling me to get over it is going to make me get over it. This sucks. This hurts. Really really bad. You guys are lucky, not caring about OP you don't feel the pain. But I do. And I feel like no one here can even be sympathetic enough to AT LEAST numb the pain a little for me. I'm not joking. This isn't a character. I'm legit hurting right now. Please just acknowledge that and give me some hopeful OP news or story. Something not based in pure unrealistic optimism. Something that shows me I fell in love with the right series and that I'm not wasting my time. I... I need some type of pep talk right now, I... oh dear god.. I dunno what to do with myself right now, I really don't. I'm so fucking destroyed over all this. I... I feel like I have absolutely nothing now. I'm...
  5. You have no idea how important this is to me Jman. Fuck you for making light of it.
  6. Nothing short of bringing OP back will help me.
  7. Well you don't respect my thing, I don't respect yours. Fuck you.
  8. You fucking asshole. You goddamn fucking asshole. Fuck you! Fuck you and everything your stand for! Fuck you and your goddamn bullshit content ratings hobby. Glad you still have that. Unlike me. OP'z standing in America is everything to me and it's pretty much done for. Instead of receiving sympathy with people who know how hurt I am, I'm treated to mocking and joking... you all know how hurt I am and still I receive no sympathy. Fuck man the world is just so cruel. Why? What did I do to deserve this? Why the fuck is this happening??? I turned over a new leaf. I was doing good. Why was that all just thrown out the window. Fuck man.. I mean shit... I mean fuck.
  9. You guys are fucking assholes . I'm fucking considering suicide here and the mocking continues.
  10. But it's stil cancelled due to ratings and no one caring about it. Where they fucking stopped is meaningless. It's the fact they cancelled it in the first place!
  11. . Fuck this. Goddamn it, fuuuuuuuuuucccckkkk thiiiiiiissssss!!! Fuck Naruto man. Jesus Christ I haven't hated a series so goddamn much other than this one . Damn it man. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck this motherfuckng BULLSHIT.
  12. No! No there fucking isn't! Not to me. Fuck your sorry!
  13. It's the end of my world. I can't look at the bright side for this, don't even mention it.
  14. That shows how much of an overwhelming failure OP is here. It couldn;t even hold on to a slot that has no expectations. Sigh.... it sucks being a OP fan in America, the land that doesn't respect it.
  15. AlChemist, this is not fucking funny dude, so shut the hell up already and show some goddamn smypathy in my moment of greif. I don't give a flying FUCK if you don't understand why I'm upset. I just fucking am and that's all you need to know to be a considerate and compassionate person, instead of being an overwhelming sick like fucking Jman and kicking me while I'm down when you fucking know how fucking angry and hurt I am right now, And I DON'T IF IT'S ITS JUST A SHOW, It's important to me and that fact alone should stop you from being a dick. I'm fucking sick and tired of this bullshit every goddamn fucking day, I hate it. OP gets canclled and everyone acts like a dick about it. they know I'm hurt. They know im dying inside and yet they keep on with the mocking with the teasing with everything this is fukcing bullshit.
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