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poiL and Ni = PinioL

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Guest Zintar

Poil and Ni. Two current and active bands out of France. I posted some of their stuff on the last version of this board and decided to post some here too.

Why not. These guys are all incredible players that make some amazing musics. Silly, Fun, Beautiful, Brutal, all over the place. Not too long ago

the all joined together and created a new band, PinioL,  I fucking love these guys and hope maybe to turn some folks here on to some cool, current music.

There are a shit-ton of amazing bands overseas currently, actually always have been . . . but, for some odd reason France really produces some of the most

amazing progressive stuff over the past many years (for my tastes at least). Maybe it's something in the water. No idea.


poiL are a trio, largely just keys, drums and bass. They also all sing.  Sometimes the bassist plays guitar. The music is over the top and pretty fun, lots of

twists and turns. They can also hold a pretty killer groove.


Ni are the classic 2 guitar, drum and bass line-up. Despite that they actually sound pretty fresh. The interplay in between the two guitarists is fantastic.

At times it reminds me of some other favorite acts, like Beefheart's Magic Band, The Hampton Grease Band, King Crimson. These guys are pretty heavy.


I'll start with some PinioL. A live clip from late last year and then a promo clip for an upcoming tour.



Guest Zintar

This video was my first exposure to poiL. Loved it. Killer music and a really fun video. This could air on [as]. lol


Guest Zintar

that last track was an edited studio track. edited down in length for the video. the original unedited studio version is great.

live these guys really shine. dig it.


Guest Zintar

like poiL above, first Ni track here is an earlier (2103) studio track. this video is neat, the artist they collaborated with on this is pretty neat.


Guest Zintar

I posted this in the cool songs thread a day or two ago. Gonna drop it here too...


this band features one of the guitarists from Ni and poiL's drummer and a very talented lady on bass, crazy stuff. pretty awesome video.


Guest Zintar

more poiL.  crazy video.





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