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A little cheap to make people pay 10.00 for the full game, but is it worth it? I think so, but it's really up to you. The free version gives you a good grasp of what the whole game entails so you can decide if it's something that's worth getting or not.

I've found so far it is a decent little time killer. I'm still mastering the first 3 levels, but so far it's pretty good. The graphics are not bad, the levels are pretty good so far, and building you're own mushroom kingdoms and rallying toadstools is actually

pretty fun to do I found. So at some point tonight or tomorrow I'll be purchasing the full game I have decided(might do it first for the other color Toadstools actually).


Anyone else think it's worth 10.00? Did you pay 10.00 for it and feel ripped off? If you don't or haven't what are you're biggest issues with it?

Just curious because I've heard they haven't had a whole lot of people bite on the 10.00 price tag, and I don't like it, but I do think it's a modest price.


Better than the pay-to-win formula.  I'd rather pay some money for a full game instead of a "free" game where I can barely advance without forking over hundreds of dollars.

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