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Mystery Science Theater 3000 - The Gauntlet (New Season)

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Hello to all MSties casual and hardcore alike, and anyone else who clicks this. Yes the new season(half season) of MST3K is out. I know Luuv would be posting a response to this if he could(miss ya bud if you're somehow still reading our posts). It's on Netflix, and what they did this season was quite original. They nick named it "The Gauntlet" offering a binge watching challenge to fans, Jonah(the newest host), and the bots(including M. Waverly and Growler Jonahs creations - apparently unlike Mike, Jonah can make bots like Joel). So me being facked in the head, accepted said challenge, and I hate to admit it but I freakin' loved it! This is by far my favorite season of MST3K since season 8 when Mike and Pearl Forrester met up with two of my favorite characters ever Professor Bobo and Brain Guy. If you haven't checked out the new season yet, I highly suggest it whether you're an old fan, or never heard of MST3K before.


If you guys seen it tell me what you loved or hated about it below! Please!






Edited by Killa Ounze

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