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When I bought my Switch two months ago


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I honestly wanted to steal it, but Gamestop isn't Best Buy, and getting to Best Buy ain't easy on the bus.

Anyway, I ended up spending like $500 for the system, Super Mario Odyssey, and Breath of the Wild. It's pretty awesome, but the games are somewhat easy, especially Mario. Breath of the Wild is 🔥🔥🔥

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2 minutes ago, Quackers said:

Have you played the post game stuff in Odyssey 

Nah I'm still meticulously working on beating the game and finding all the moonstars, but work is cutting into my playing time, so I really only get to play on weekends since I get home from work and crash on my bed after all of the liquor I've imbibed, and then I wake up and crack open one more can at midnight before going to sleep and waking up for work again.

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