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Girl at my job is ignoring me lately. I haven't made an effort to talk to her because I realize that all of our interactions have started with me initiating the action, so I decided to be nice and give her a shot to impress me and she doesn't even talk to me!! Plus I walked into the front office the other day and heard her telling the secretary about how "she caught him texting a girl who he used to go out with", so I'm guessing the guy she's referring to is the guy she's posing with in her new FB profile pic.

See? THIS is why 22 isn't a good age for me to date. These 22 year old cuties are just too much drama and high maintenance. I think I might have to let this one go honestly.

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1 minute ago, Quackers said:

She's 10 years too old for you 

Eh more like 4 years too old, but do you see how immature some of these girls are? So your boyfriend doesn't initiate convos with you anymore, so now you're not going to talk to him? I forgive her and all, but I need somebody a little bit more mature than that... 😏

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3 hours ago, SlappyKincaid said:

My grandfather told me something once, he said to me "There's an old Italian saying, 'never shit in your hat' "


It's good advice, really.


I don't know if we're in love or whatnot l, but I think I'll just cut her loose.

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