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Tadpole rearing, year two.


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Some of you may remember my frog dad thread from last summer, where I saved some tads from a puddle and raised them into leggy young frogmen and released them into the wild. Well, this year we're upgrading. No more tanks and totes, this time we got a full on pond and as you can see it's already filled itself full of tadpoles. 



I had a floating water hyacinth plant in there but something came along, I'm thinking a raccoon or possum, and ripped it up and took a few bites out of it, so the only plants in there now is a big piece of hornwort that stays full of frog eggs and the few bits of duckweed that came in on it, which has been exploding and hopefully will cover the entire surface. It gets bright morning sun and stays shaded the rest of the day, so between the good location and the plants filtering the water I am hoping this will end up better than the unspeakably dark conclusion to last year's frog nursery. 

Edited by Nabloom
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