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Had my first powerlifting meet today

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Shit was strange, took like 7 hours cause of all the lifters and moving equipment around and stuff but it was awesome. Many strong mens and womens hoisting and heaving, grunting and yelling like big silly brutes. Pretty cool stuff, definitely a sport that's relatively easy to get into, and you don't really have to have a background in sports, (although i do).

i ended with a

1206lbs total @178lbs bodyweight




Missed abunch of lifts, and ive done better on all three in the gym, but it's a weird and crazy fun thing to do it all on the same day with abunch of rules and and judges and stuff.

I highly recommend especially if you like hoisting iron or if you want to start, there's free programs and tips all over the web and federations all over :{D

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