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  1. Let's play trivia! Which one will it be? 1. For all the calls to the FBI about Zeni saying the videos of the 9 year-old made him "want to get [his] D wet". 2. Elliot Rodger 2.0.
  2. This is... really bad. I know it's a running joke about you being a pedophile for obsessing over teenagers like Jared Fogle all the time, but you sexually propositioned a YouTuber, based around videos of a little girl. You're probably going to reply about how everyone is just intimidated by the big alpha and that when the FBI show up, they're going to be too impressed with you. But, this is a legitimately serious inference you made. I don't know if you're just too used to the ongoing alpha gag, but if you were trolling, nobody reporting your ass would care.
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