Inuyashiki is my #1 right now. There have been a lot of good shows over the years, but I honestly consider it to be one of the best of the past decade. Loving every single moment of it.
Ancient Magus Bride has been a treat as well. Again, definitely a quality series.
Zodiac War, Dies Irae, and King's Game have been guilty pleasures. Not great shows, but they're fun enough for mindless gore and the like imo.
Fate/Apocrypha has been okay enough. Nowhere near as good as Fate/Zero and UBW were imo, but still mostly enjoyable. Save for one hugely jumbled mess of an episode early on (I think Episode 6? can't remember for sure), it's at least been watchable.
Beyond that, I'm still watching big shonens like Black Clover, Boruto, Dragon Ball Super, and One Piece.