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  1. Hell yeah. good to see shit don't change fam. It's reassuring and stuff.
  2. Yeah i remember you. good seeing you fam. and life just kind of blows in general but i've seen some people who make their life blow and I'm glad that we aren't that kind of people.
  3. That, is not something I can think of easily. I didn't have many pics on line and I don't know if there's some sort of secret phrase I could use, plus all my pc stuff from back then was fried.
  4. I'm glad someone remembers those silly typos. Yeah, that's the one thing I've managed to do right as far as typing is concerened. Now it's just a matter of if what I wrote was actually what I wanted to say. Now I have not heard of this, what is node bb?
  5. Hell me either fam. I had to go through some family related stuff putting my degree on hold but i was finally able to get started again and I'll be finishing soon. What are you going for?
  6. Nope. I scourged my memory to find one of the few people i could remember the exact skype contact for and spoke wit them for the first time in a while to. They've informed me about most of the happening that went on.
  7. lmao, got'em I'm sorry zeni, but I can't resist that. I absolutely loved the anime. I think that it handled everything beautifully and was better than the manga and the web comic. If you haven't checked out it's sister series "mob psycho 100" its by the same guy, it's anime came out last year and was also amazing.
  8. hell yeah fam, smug girls is best bae oh, that sounds comfy as hell. I'd have a drink there. I'd be down for that, but question. Alphas are allowed, but what about chad? You know the pinnacle of alphas, the best of the best.
  9. You own a bar? that's awesome man. How did that come about, just felt like opening a bar?
  10. lmao, they sound like good boys, hopefully there isn't a jock club that bullies them.
  11. Didn't even think about it at the time man. It was pretty much people saying "wanna come to oklahoma? chicago? gettysburg" just kind of went with the flow, but next time i'm up that way i might have to. but I'm glad you met a nice girl and I hope she's doing great aswell.
  12. well I can't vouch for who ghost trek is but i can guarantee it's me. I have changed quite a bit since then though.
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