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Everything posted by blueraven1979

  1. In Another World with my Smartphone 11 This anime is becoming a chore to watch. Only watching it at this point to finish the season and I won't be watching the second. Not unless I get desperate to watch some new anime. I only use the gray text when I really dislike a episode or anime so that says a lot about what I think of it.
  2. One Piece 1089 New artstyle seems off to me. I liked it better before. Not a fan. Might take a short break from the anime to slowly catch up with the manga. I think I'm at least a year behind. Plus the new art style is bothering me and that way I can avoid it for a bit.
  3. Boruto 166 and 167
  4. Dave's so cool. That was great.
  5. Watched Dancing with the Stars tonight.
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