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Everything posted by Meilag32

  1. Aw, that's right. Labor Day weekend.... I wonder what rerun they'll air this time.
  2. LOL..... Levi wearing a butcher's apron. Gotta love torture.
  3. What a time for a commercial. I wonder who died.
  4. Shows like this are why I still like anime. This scene is intense.
  5. God, such a bad opening. [as] can shorten it already. I don't need to hear the full version anymore.
  6. Episode 77: "Let's Do It, Grand Zeno! The Universes' Best Tournament!" No flaming, trolling, hating, spamming, etc.
  7. Aren't the Interior troops the cowardly ones who run from the fights?
  8. The worst thing about this show is trying to remember what happened last season. It's been so long...
  9. Also, Erin's scrawny ass is hanging out. Guess things are looking up.
  10. Next week begins the Universe Survival/Tournament of Power arc.
  11. You're just contradicting yourself now.
  12. Let's all get some of that miracle herb...
  13. The Future Trunks arc was good.
  14. Wasn't Super Shenron eating and shitting out whole galaxies the last time we saw him?
  15. Remember when Flying Nimbus was a thing?
  16. Or simply thought Empire Strikes Back was a good movie.
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