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  1. you know it, baby girl
  2. I'll get around to making some metal one of these days lol just need a few small things like drums, sound equipment, and the ability to write metal songs
  3. It's just a demo with five songs. Some acoustic stuff. pls giv monies https://friendkiller.bandcamp.com/album/salad-days-are-gone
  4. No it won't because I don't live for them :\ I was reassured about my D game and that's all I needed. ;D
  5. To call you on your pedophilia.
  6. Puhleeeeeeeeeeeeze
  7. Meh im not worried. A bit no-strings-attached fun is just what i needed to get out of this rut. My confidence is through the roof right now.
  8. Ok so the thing about this is that the coiple are swingers. And apparently I'm good enough at layin pipe that I got an invite to go over and bang her any time. Fucking what.
  9. Lmfao nah this chick waaaaay not a basket case
  10. Chicken, not chicken. Doesnt matter. She and my friend are naked on the living room floor and i could dove back in for a 5th go if wanted lmao
  11. 4th time wtf this woman is unstoppable
  12. Wait wait i got a pic but im not posting cuz ban
  13. Didnt happen i guess cuz no pics But it did happen
  14. Aaaaaaaaaand came for the third time
  15. Update: uhhhhh guys i fucked her. A lot. They're swingers though so all of this is on the up-and-up. I guess RIP celibacy holy fuck
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